Electronic games are really hard on my self esteem. The Wii Fit regularly tells me that my "Wii Fit Age" is 10 years older than I already am. That's really hard to take, especially on a day the grocery store cashier gives me a "senior citizen discount" -- and I'm not even close to being a senior! The Wii Fit also tells me that every game I play is "not my thing" and gives me a hard time when I gain weight (hey, its winter for crying out loud)! If I play a video game that involves getting killed I just die before I get to play. If its a maze like situation I just go around in circles.
I've been playing the "Draw Something" game on the iPad. Real people can be a lot kinder and more patient than electronic games (if you're lucky). The friend I play with (who is very good at drawing) frequently says encouraging things about my drawings. The Wii Fit would be saying "drawing just isn't your thing".
I enjoy the challenge of communicating simply and clearly in a visual way. That's my criteria for a good drawing. My Draw Something name is Retromac if you want to play along. I promise to be a lot nicer than the Wii Fit.